- CDH 5 Release Notes
- CDH 5 Requirements and Supported Versions
- CDH 5 Quick Start Guide
- CDH 5 Installation Guide
- What's New in CDH 5
- Before You Install CDH 5 on a Cluster
- CDH 5 and MapReduce
- CDH 5 Installation
- Migrating from MapReduce v1 (MRv1) to MapReduce v2 (MRv2, YARN)
- Upgrading to CDH 5 from CDH 4
- Upgrading from a CDH 5 Beta Release to the Latest Version
- Migrating data between a CDH 4 and CDH 5 cluster
- Configuring Ports for CDH 5
- Deploying CDH 5 in Pseudo-Distributed Mode
- Deploying CDH 5 on a Cluster
- About HDFS Snapshots
- Crunch Installation
- Flume Installation
- Upgrading Flume
- Flume Packaging
- Installing the Flume Tarball
- Installing the Flume RPM or Debian Packages
- Flume Configuration
- Verifying the Installation
- Running Flume
- Files Installed by the Flume RPM and Debian Packages
- Supported Sources, Sinks, and Channels
- Using an On-disk Encrypted File Channel
- Viewing the Flume Documentation
- HBase Installation
- Upgrading HBase
- Installing HBase
- Configuration Settings for HBase
- Starting HBase in Standalone Mode
- Configuring HBase in Pseudo-Distributed Mode
- Deploying HBase on a Cluster
- Accessing HBase by using the HBase Shell
- Using MapReduce with HBase
- Troubleshooting
- Viewing the HBase Documentation
- HBase Replication
- Configuring HBase Snapshots
- Installing and Using HCatalog
- HCatalog Prerequisites
- Installing and Upgrading the HCatalog RPM or Debian Packages
- Configuration Change on Hosts Used with HCatalog
- Starting and Stopping the WebHCat REST server
- Accessing Table Information with the HCatalog Command-line API
- Accessing Table Data with MapReduce
- Accessing Table Data with Pig
- Accessing Table Information with REST
- Viewing the HCatalog Documentation
- Impala Installation
- Hive Installation
- About Hive
- Upgrading Hive
- Installing Hive
- Configuring the Hive Metastore
- Configuring HiveServer2
- Starting the Metastore
- File System Permissions
- Starting, Stopping, and Using HiveServer2
- Using Hive with HBase
- Using the Hive Schema Tool
- Installing the Hive JDBC on Clients
- Configuring the Metastore to use HDFS High Availability
- Troubleshooting
- Viewing the Hive Documentation
- HttpFS Installation
- Hue Installation
- Llama Installation
- Mahout Installation
- Oozie Installation
- Pig Installation
- Search Installation
- Sentry Installation
- Snappy Installation
- Spark Installation
- Sqoop Installation
- Sqoop 2 Installation
- Whirr Installation
- ZooKeeper Installation
- Avro Usage
- Using the Parquet File Format with Impala, Hive, Pig, and MapReduce
- Maintenance Tasks and Notes
- Mountable HDFS
- Configuring an NFSv3 Gateway
- Java Development Kit Installation
- Creating a Local Yum Repository
- Using the CDH 5 Maven Repository
- Building RPMs from CDH Source RPMs
- Getting Support
- Apache and Third-Party Licenses
- CDH Version and Packaging Information
- CDH 5 Security Guide
- Introduction to Hadoop Security
- Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
- Step 1: Install CDH 5
- Step 2: Verify User Accounts and Groups in CDH 5 Due to Security
- Step 3: If you are Using AES-256 Encryption, install the JCE Policy File
- Step 4: Create and Deploy the Kerberos Principals and Keytab Files
- Step 5: Shut Down the Cluster
- Step 6: Enable Hadoop Security
- Step 7: Configure Secure HDFS
- Optional Step 8: Configuring Security for HDFS High Availability
- Optional Step 9: Configure secure WebHDFS
- Optional Step 10: Configuring a secure HDFS NFS Gateway
- Step 11: Set Variables for Secure DataNodes
- Step 12: Start up the NameNode
- Step 12: Start up a DataNode
- Step 14: Set the Sticky Bit on HDFS Directories
- Step 15: Start up the Secondary NameNode (if used)
- Step 16: Configure Either MRv1 Security or YARN Security
- Configuring MRv1 Security
- Configuring YARN Security
- Configuring Sentry
- Flume Security Configuration
- Hue Security Configuration
- Oozie Security Configuration
- HttpFS Security Configuration
- HBase Security Configuration
- Impala Security Configuration
- Hive Security Configuration
- HCatalog Security Configuration
- ZooKeeper Security Configuration
- Search Security Configuration
- FUSE - Mountable HDFS Security Configuration
- Sqoop, Pig, and Whirr Security Support Status
- Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
- Integrating Hadoop Security with Active Directory
- Integrating Hadoop Security with Alternate Authentication
- Appendix A – Troubleshooting
- Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs
- Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names
- Appendix D - Enabling Debugging Output for the Sun Kerberos Classes
- Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes
- Appendix F - Using kadmin to Create Kerberos Keytab Files
- Appendix G - Setting Up a Gateway Node to Restrict Access
- Appendix H - Configuring LDAP Group Mappings
- CDH 5 High Availability Guide
- Cloudera Impala User Guide
Using Cloudera Impala
- Impala Concepts and Architecture
- Impala Tutorial
- Impala Administration
- Impala SQL Language Reference
- Using the Impala Shell
- Tuning Impala for Performance
- Partitioning
- How Impala Works with Hadoop File Formats
- Using Impala to Query HBase Tables
- Using Impala Logging
- Appendix A - Ports Used by Impala
- Appendix B - Troubleshooting Impala
- Appendix C - Impala Reserved Words
- Cloudera Impala Frequently Asked Questions
Using Cloudera Impala
- CDH 5 Search Guide
- Cloudera Search User Guide
- Introducing Cloudera Search
- Understanding Cloudera Search
- Cloudera Search Tutorial
- Solrctl Reference
- MapReduce Batch Indexing Reference
- Flume Near Real-Time Indexing Reference
- Extracting, Transforming, and Loading Data With Cloudera Morphlines
- Using the Lily HBase Batch Indexer for Indexing
- Configuring Lily HBase NRT Indexer Service for Use with Cloudera Search
- High Availability and Fault Tolerance
- Tuning the Solr Server
- Troubleshooting Cloudera Search
- Cloudera Search Glossary
- Cloudera Search Frequently Asked Questions
- Cloudera Search User Guide
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Impala docs now included in CDH 5 library
With the release of CDH 5.0.0 and Impala 1.3.0, now for the first time the Impala docs are embedded alongside the CDH Installation Guide, Security Guide, and other CDH docs. This integration makes it easier to link back and forth both ways, and also will help readers find Impala-related content when they search within the CDH 5 library.
Here's the full layout of the CDH 5.0.0 library. Notice that the primary "using" information for Impala is grouped together near the end. Release notes, install / upgrade / config, and security topics are integrated next to the related information for other CDH components.
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