Now we have started building each of the Connectors sections as its own HTML doc, linked from the Topic Guides page. That allows for faster turnaround for updates -- sometimes the Ref Man takes a few days to be rebuilt and posted. Also, it gives each Connector its own TOC, making the the topics more visible than when they're pushed down several levels in the Ref Man. (For example, "22.3.7. Connection Pooling with Connector/J" becomes "Chapter 7. Connection Pooling with Connector/J".)
The language-themed Connectors are:
MySQL Connector/J for applications written in Java to the JDBC spec.
MySQL Connector/Net for applications written in C# and other .NET languages.
MySQL Connector/Python for applications written in Python. This one is new: an alternative to the MySQLdb module, currently in beta.
MySQL Connector/C++ for applications written in C++.
MySQL Connector/C for applications written in C.
MySQL Connector/ODBC for applications written to the ODBC spec.